Calvary Baptist is grateful to God for our dedicated leadership team, that with many others in our congregation, serve the Lord, and the people of our church and community.
Pastor, Children's Ministries
Tom is from Belfast, Northern Ireland. He is married to Leslie who is from Memphis, Tennessee. Tom and Leslie have three children. At the age of eighteen, Tom was saved at Victory Baptist Church in Belfast, Northern Ireland. That church was founded through the missionary efforts of missionaries Freeman Goodge and Ed Bissett. Four months after he became a Christian, Tom enrolled in Tennessee Temple University, Chattanooga, for his ministerial training. Tom and Leslie were married in 1983 and then served the Lord in Northern Ireland for nineteen years before returning to the United States in 2005. Since then, the couple have continued their service as Director of Enrichment at Baptist International Missions, Inc., and as Pastor of Temple Baptist Church, and Calvary Baptist Church, in McMinnville, Tennessee.
Pastor Fittis enjoys expository preaching and teaching of the Scriptures in each service. Christ is lifted up as the Word of God is proclaimed and people are encouraged to believe upon Christ and grow in the Lord. Ms. Leslie, helps with the Children’s ministries at Calvary.
Assistant Pastor, Youth Ministry
Jeremy and Hanna are both graduates of Hyles Anderson College, where Hanna’s parents teach on faculty. Jeremy grew up in a preachers home and has a real heart for people and ministry.
Jeremy is the Assistant Pastor and also, with his wife, leads our youth ministries, meeting weekly at the Sunday Evening Teen Rally, and also fun events held every month.
Hanna is also our Nursery Coordinator.
Song Leader, Pianist/Organist
Mike and Jennifer Stanley have faithfully served the Lord for many years. Both graduates of Bob Jones University, Jennifer helps as pianist and Mike leads the congregational singing. Our music ministry emphasizes genuine heartfelt worship using traditional hymns and choruses. Mike also organizes the outreach ministry of the church.
Mike is also a deacon and trustee at Calvary.
Senior Ministry, Ministry Coordinator
Billy and Sherry Kirk help lead our senior ministry, assisted by Ed and Nancy Davis. Fun times of fellowship and activities are planned each month for our seniors to meet, make friends and be a blessing to each other. Sherry is our Church Secretary.
Billy is a deacon and trustee at Calvary.
Children’s Ministry and Media Ministry
Robert, with his wife Connie, lead our JAM Club (Jesus And Me) for school aged children; JAM meets on Wednesday evenings at 7PM.
Robert is a graduate of Liberty University and holds two Masters Degrees in History and Education. He is also Editor of our church quarterly, "The Calvary Newsletter", and leads our Church Media Ministry.
Robert is also a trustee at Calvary.
Bus Ministry, Sound Ministry, Pianist
Joseph and Rachel direct the Bus Ministry of our church. Additionally, Rachel serves as our organist/pianist while Joseph directs the operations of the church's audio/visual department.
If your child or teen needs a ride to church, please leave a message on the church phone at (931) 815-3919. Leave your name and number so that we can get back to you and make arrangements.